excerpt from The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885 TOWN OF CHESTER CT.
On the site of the property, Ezra and Joshua L'HOMMEDIEU built a factory in 1812 for the purpose of manufacturing gimlets, which business was carried on for several years. About the year 1815, Ezra L'HOMMEDIEU invented the celebrated single-twist ship auger, and manufactured them here until the building, about a quarter of a mile west, which was built in 1790, and known as SNOW & SMITH's Anchor Forge, was purchased, and the business transferred to it. This building is now owned by Russell JENNINGS and used as a part of his bitt making establishment. It is fifty-two feet long, thirty-five feet wide, and two stories high, and is provided with turbine water-wheel. A few feet from this building, Mr. JENNINGS has erected another, one hundred and twelve feet long, thirty feet wide, and two stories high, the machinery of which is driven by a water-wheel over twenty-five feet in diameter.