Members and readers of The Old Tool List have read of the doings of Jim Thompson for years. sadly, The Old Millrat passed away Wednesday. He will be missed greatly.
Without asking Scott Grandstaff's permission, I am quoting his comments posted on the list today-
I remember when Jim Thompson stumbled up the porch steps for the first time.
Kind of tentative, just looking around. But some of the things he said
sounded so familiar to my ears.
We hit it off right away. When I started to find out who he really was,
I gave him the name Millrat. I was a millrat too, but Jim was even more
of one.
He added the Old himself. You can't blame me for that. :)
If often felt like we were two horses pulling together, in the same
I'd get an idea and start something. Jim would jump in, and pretty soon
he'd come up with a twist or a different way.
So I'd do that too, until I'd hit on another idea.
Then he'd jump on that.
And on and on we went. Through whole classes of projects.
Project after project. Down through the years. Leaning on each other,
making it happen.
I have his work of his all over my shop. They are going to find my DNA
all over his. I've got a 1/2 full box in my shop right now, that I was
planning to send when I filled it the rest of the way. There will be
one just like it in his.
My friend. My brother. Pillar of the porch. Charmer of the old ladies
running the estate sales.
Arrogant sarcastic old bastard with a heart the size of the whole damn
"Hell you got to die sometime", he would always say.
Rest friend. You made a long haul. Came up a long road.
You did what you wanted.
You made the world different from the way it would have been if you
were never here.
cheers to you
yours Scott