This is my Recent addition. Believe it is a late 1930 ish New Britain Craftsman ratchet, extension and socket. Got it off EBay for $26 ($32ish w/shipping).
Had it in my hands for about 2 minutes before i cleaned of my bench and took it apart to check out how it was made and what it looked like inside.
Fascinating design. Simple and Strong. Built to last forever. It weighs about the same as two new Cman ratchets. Same goes for extension - equals two 1/2 inch extensions. Strong, Great feeling in your hands. You know you got a tuff one when you hold it.
The other extension is a SK i needed to complete my 1/2 set. Think it was about $10 w/shipping.
OOPSS!! First attempt to post pics and error message says "it's too large". Sure wished my wife woulda told me that at least once in our 34 years......
Ok lets try again.