I picked up some good tools, mostly pliers, at the local flea market. Pricing was good too; paid just $4 for the following tool lot:
On the left, working from the top down, are:
Proto 202 thin nose slip joint,
Diamond Calk K36 standard slip joint,
Crescent G25 small standard slip joint,
Proto 9701 stubby screwdriver, and
Starrett 3/16" center punch.
On the right are two more pliers:
Harwell thin nose slip joint, and
"H" thin nose slip joint.
Here's some close ups of the last two pliers:
I have never run across the Harwell name before and could find no reference to it on AA or Google. The "H" plier may be Harwell too, don't know. The two pliers, though similar in general design, are very different in finish. It could be that th "H" plier is a couple of decades earlier, or it could simply be a couple of notches down the price scale. Or, there could simply be no connection between these two pliers at all.
Has anybody seen the Harwell name before? Any History on the company/brand? What about the "H" plier, could there be a connection to Harwell? What are your thoughts???