I don’t normally post my finds here; I don’t consider myself a tool collector. I don’t sell tools. Every tool I buy I intend to use (at least some day) I liked using vintage tools when it was practical; I had quite a bit of vintage craftsman that was my gramps. If you don’t know I lost 90% of my hand tools in a horrific fire back in march. I am replacing the toasted tools with a wide variety of US steel. I have come to like pebble wrenches.
I got home from the potluck at the church and felt awful (still do) hopped on line and saw this add for 7 DOE wrenches, they were dirt cheap…I couldn’t tell from the picture but they looked like pebble wrenches.
I had seen a lot of NOS craftsman stuff from this community and asked the guy first what brand they are, (he said an old industrial brand, plumb) and then if he had a bunch of new craftsman stuff. (He said yes) I said I would be there within an hour.
The tappet wrenches were the only thing at less than 50% of retail and the only thing he had that I still had not replaced. I could not pass on the LC Allen sockets at the price either.
These DOE Plomb’s build my Plomb collection by 200% I now have 9 Plomb tools