Happy belated Birthday Jim.
I am 3 years & 3 months behind you, where does the time go ?
pickled eggs & pickles are 2 of my favorite snacks. Thursday I had gone to a farm stand that opens for the season, they had advertised their own fresh picked pickling cukes, well, I bought
some and put up 1 quart of whole dill pickles (cold process) of which we will open for Thanksgiving dinner. plus a pint of "counter top/refrigerator pickles (quartered) that you are supposed to be able to eat in 3 days, but I waiy at least a week.
my "PICKLED EGGS: I hard boil a dozen at a time, cool them, put them in the refrigerator for a day, wash a jar with HOT SOAPY water, then start peeling the eggs and put in jar, most of the time a dozen is too many, so I have boiled eggs to snack on also.
recipe; 2 cups vinegar, (white or red cider vinergar) " I prefer cider vin. for the taste.)
1 teaspoon mixed pickling spice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt ( I use kosher salt ) you can use sea salt.
1 medium lemon; peeled and sliced.
put the ingrediants in a pan and simmer for about 8 minutes, then just strain the liquid over the eggs in the jar, make sure the eggs are covered with the liquid. put cover lightly on the jar and
leave on the counter til it cools, then cap the jar and put in the refrigerator. some eat them in
3 days, Me, I wait 5 or 6 days for a stronger flavor.
you do not need a canning jar, a used pickle jar will do, sometimes I also use small jam jars that will hold 3 eggs, as the grandchildren loves pickled eggs and grandpaws sour/dill pickles.
good luck, and let us know if you try & like them. Frank