Being Cheyenne, "probably Caddo" (plus Danish, Irish & English), I pay a lot of attention to the wisdom of North American "Indians." (Columbus or one of his passengers actually described the inhabitants in the Carribean as living "en dios," or, roughly, living under the eye/oversight of the Creator — not inhabitants of India.) Some years back an "Indian" elder was asked by a young "white" what's the difference between a "whiteman" and an "Indian?" The elder replied that the "Indian" sat back and observed the incrediblly complex web of life and sought to find a place on it in which he'd (or she'd) create the least disturbance, while the "whiteman" tended to view the same incredibly complex web of life and sought to change it according to his desires.
That said, Papaw, the part about "…the craftsman fashions the world to his liking…“ jumped out at me. (I know: picky, picky, picky! *Bear Man grins friendishly*)
I do agree whole-heartedly with the rest of your beginning posts — and perhaps especially with Bill Houghton's addition.
In my own life, I admit that I seek "perfection" in my self and my "productions," and also admit that I've never yet achieved it. I do believe it makes for a valuable goal, however, and I ain't'a gonna give it up quite yet. Now I'm going to go read the article you suggested — and thanks. Cheers, everyone.