I picked up a couple of tidbits at estate sales lately, pictured below. The first, a hex socket set, has me a bit puzzled. The tray is quite nice, but I can't figure out how the sheet metal clip slips over the end of the right-angle handle. Is it just bent out of shape?
The second item, the pliers, also puzzle me. The only marking is "Japan," which at least tells me where they were made. They're quite impressive, with inserted steel cutting tips (visible in the photo as metal of a different color), ground for truly flush end cutting. But there are two sets of snubbers on the handles to keep them from closing, so that, fully closed, there's a 1/16" gap between the jaws. Are these specialty pliers of some sort? Is there any reason I should not file down the snubbers to allow the pliers to close all the way?