I've got a screen printing place that has a digital embroidering machine interested in making some Plomb hats and perhaps some T-shirts as well. Focusing on just the TT crew, there may not be a great deal of interest, but since they don't seem to exist ANYWHERE on the planet, they might sell on ebay once the local folks are taken care of. The screen print co. doesn't seem to feel that there are copyright infringement issues out there, so they're okay with making them. Prolly do a two color bowl/beak and maybe a thin trim line, leather strap in the back, not some walmart version, but a quality hat. If they do like 30 of them, the cost will be around $13 amortizing the set up fees etc. They don't get dignificantly cheaper until you buy 144. Haven't talked money with the shirts yet. The hats would likely be two lines: PLOMB and TOOLS and the logo wold be embroidered rather than screen printed.
This is more of a heads up maybe than a direct solicitation for interest, as I'd prolly sell them on ebay....where PaPaw says he bought his some years ago. If someone knows of another source for them, I'd be all ears, but Papaw isn't about to let his go bye bye. If there is no outlet for them currently, methinks there may be a market for it, not necessarily to make hand over fist, but to keep the flame burning so to speak. Most kids I talk to under 40 have never herd of Plomb and I show them one of my collection ratchets, they go nuts.