I started this hammer about, I dunno, maybe 5 years ago.
This one was fun because it had been through a fire.
Now usually this is not a good recommendation for a tool of any kind. But being a hammer, it annealed the steel soft as 7-UP.
That meant, I could work on it, with files!!
I love to file steel. Sometimes when I am having an otherwise bad day, I will chuck up a piece of scrap and just cut it. Something about the rhythm and watching the work slowly change. The precision of it all. Making such slight adjustments in your stroke and watching it change the shape of the work .
Its just magic.
So when I had finished my filework, I hardened/tempered it in something new.
Well new to me.
And I found out something wonderful!
Used motor oil makes for a spectacular finish!
I had some osage orange out the other day for another project. A spokeshave that went off to Hawaii. I found a spare stick when I was looking for the shave stock. I laid it aside for something nice.
Wanna hit something yet??
Dig this
yours Scott