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Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 01:46:43 PM »
BTW, Jim C., did you notice difference in the shape of the forgings of your two boxheads you showed? The one with the plug looks more rounded along the sides of the head (curved (convex) sides as viewed from the front), and the one with the oil port more square. Also the oil-port one's raised panel appears to be more prominent from the unraised part of the handle, at least toward the far end of the handle. That might mean they are from different periods of the boxhead or just variation from one forge tool to another.

I'm not aware of a type study for the boxheads. I have three variations (not counting curvy/square, which I've just noticed): (1) with handle "neck" recess (looks kinda like it's carved out) and "upside down" CRAFTSMAN logo, (2) with handle neck recess and right-side-up logo, and (3) smooth-neck handle like those you picture.

I originally thought the smoothies came first and the recessed-neck later, because the recess makes them look a little more similar to the successor Teardrop ratchets. But the upside-down logo made me rethink that; I currently think they were produced in the order I listed them above. (I look forward to scanning through the old cman tool catalogs when I get my set from MrCraftsmanTools to see what they reveal about order of the versions.)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 12:16:00 PM »
Incidentally, the -VV- one above was also poorly-stamped, which may lend credence to the idea that the bad plug may have been a quality issue from the factory (poorly installed, so poorly plated).

I went ahead and bought both so I can compare them to the boxhead that presumably never had any attempt to plate over the hole.

(It's possible these plugged, unplated TD "Type 10" ratchets are distinct from the plated ones -- plugs never installed flush, never plated. Or that they are factory quality issues, or damage in the field. Comparing them to the boxhead may (or may not) shed light on that.)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 11:31:21 AM »
Here are a couple of Teardrop "Type 10" ratchets with plugs similar to those seen in the two boxheads above (one posted by Jim C and one by me). I suspect that in these TD "Type" 10 cases, the plug was originally chromed-over but the chrome finish failed and flaked off, perhaps because the plug was installed too far back instead of flush with the end of the ratchet. Or it was pushed back into the hole at some point. Can't be sure, of course.
BTW, the first pictured ratchet (on the white with blue lines mat) is a -V- and the other (on the plank floor) is a VV.

(I don't own either of these ratchets; the pics are from their ebay listings.)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 10:48:27 AM »
And a few pics of the plugged one

(Images here and previous post are from the ebay listings, though the first "missing" and the "plugged" ratchets are now on their way to me.)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 10:46:16 AM »
Photos of the "missing" oil port ratchets (first 2 are 1/2" drive, next (red background) is 3/8)
Turns out there may be a fourth (next 2 pics, 1/4" drive), though it'snot ccompletely clear it's missing, might just be covered over in grease)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on February 01, 2025, 10:15:38 AM »
Interesting, Jim C, thank you.

I noticed recently on eBay a box head just like you show, with a plug, recessed a little in the hole. I've also noticed 3 different boxhead ratchets on ebay that each have a "missing" oil port (they appear to just have a hole). Either the oil ports could be knocked loose or they didn't have oil ports in the first place. I may get one of them to see if I can tell which (for example marks where the part with the ball and spring used to be).
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Jim C. on February 01, 2025, 09:54:38 AM »
Hey Marf,

Lots of information and interesting stuff!  Nice job!  A while back another collector gave me a couple 3/8” drive Cman box head ratchets.  These ratchets predate the scope of the Cman Teardrop type study.  Anyway, one of the ratchets has what I believe is an original manufacturer installed plug in its head.  So it would seem that the manufacturer was using/experimenting with plugs earlier than initially thought.  I don’t know if this information is helpful to you or not, but the artifacts are what they are.

Jim C.
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on January 31, 2025, 12:17:31 AM »
Ratchet C
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on January 31, 2025, 12:16:11 AM »
Springs A (long) & B (short)
Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools / Re: Oil Holes on Craftsman Teardrop Ratchets
« Last post by Marf on January 31, 2025, 12:15:01 AM »
Ratchet B
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