General Discussion / Re: A German kindred spirit
« Last post by Yadda on February 10, 2025, 06:01:21 PM »Informative, interesting, and entertaining.
Nice collection you have going there Uncle Buck.
If your user name refers to a rusty Studebaker that you yourself own(ed), pictures of that would be lovely, too.
I'll start with pictures of the 1949 2R5 pickup that I drove for some years and then passed on to my son, who built the bed shown (before removing it, because, in California, a utility bed turns a pickup into a commercial truck that has to go through the weigh stations and get inspected for oil leaks, and so on). It now has an eight foot bed welded up from two original beds.
Note the car phone in the last picture: it's wired into a circuit that believe it's a cell phone and talks to Verizon.