Tool Talk

General Category => General Discussion => Heads Up => Topic started by: amertrac on May 24, 2012, 07:00:05 AM

Post by: amertrac on May 24, 2012, 07:00:05 AM

ave two kohler powered older tractors and i need some parts. I contacted kohler and ordered the parts.
A fuel pump and a coil , the fuel pump came to $125.40 plus $ 8.95 shipping the coil was $ 49.95 plus shipping of $8.95  the shipment came in one box .the fuel pump is made in Taiwan and is all plastic. to make matters worse it will not fit the engine( the mounting  holes don't match) the coil also foreign was a universal with no bracket. ( I can get one from napa for 10 bucks ) I called kohler to return the parts . there is a 10 percent restocking total cost 185 dollars at 10 percent thats 18.50 plus shipping of about 10 bucks
. they will credit my card when they get the parts back less 18.50 I found another parts warehouse that handles small engine parts . Their prices are fuel pump $40.50 coil $12 00 they advertise as foriegn made and free shipping ( over 50 bucks i will order something else to make up 8 bucks) I will order from them and see what happens.     bob w.

Post by: stillfishin on May 24, 2012, 06:57:03 PM
Bob, sounds to me like you ordered some parts and they sent you the shaft instead. It seems every time one turns around when dealing with a name brand outfit you need to wear steel underwear?