Tool Talk

Welcome Forum => Welcome Board and Introductions => Topic started by: Haveabiggergarage on January 30, 2025, 12:36:18 PM

Title: Registration issues and found post about garage gazette
Post by: Haveabiggergarage on January 30, 2025, 12:36:18 PM
I never received any of the initial registration verification emails, even after requesting them to be resent, about two weeks later, I receive a random email, from my first registration attempt, a day later then my second attempt.

This board has registration issues.
I came looking for information on the garage gazette, which I was on, then it screwed up my account, and I could never get a hold of anyone to get back on, and now it appears that board is dead, but several of the members are here.

I was wantedabiggergarage over there (and still am elsewhere), but now I have one (long story).
So hello all, and I hope this things get ironed out so this board doesn't vaporize as well.
Title: Re: Registration issues and found post about garage gazette
Post by: PapawsKid on January 30, 2025, 04:04:26 PM
Hello and welcome!

I apologize for the registration issues. I recently found there was a setting in the background of the forum that was preventing outgoing emails being sent to users - including registration emails. I finally found out how to fix it yesterday, thus the emails being sent out again.

Welcome to Tool Talk!