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Wrench Forum => Wrench Forum => Topic started by: lptools on January 10, 2025, 06:09:50 PM

Title: APCO Strap Wrench
Post by: lptools on January 10, 2025, 06:09:50 PM
Has anyone ever seen , or own , an APCO Strap Wrench. Looking for a photo of one that is correct. This came to me partially disassembled . Not sure if I put it back together correctly , or , if it is missing something. Thanks!!
Title: Re: APCO Strap Wrench
Post by: amecks on January 12, 2025, 11:40:36 AM
The strap doesn't look likes it's placed correctly... however, your wrench is somewhat different than mine.  Maybe this photo will help.  Also the below patent date may help.
Both straps are not original - just straps I had in the garage.
Left - Warnock, Worcester, Mass, Pat Feb 18 1919
Right - Ridgid No.2

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Title: Re: APCO Strap Wrench
Post by: lptools on January 12, 2025, 06:02:36 PM
hello, Al . Thanks! I have the Ridgid , as you said , it is a different concept. The Warnock is similar to the Rigid , just a simple fulcrum , with a moveable pivot. Still looking for info on the APCO company , will take a look at the patent date you posted .
Title: Re: APCO Strap Wrench
Post by: amecks on January 14, 2025, 01:22:29 PM
Lou, I can't tell from your photos how the bail part attaches to the wrench - or if it attaches.  Look up images of the Klein strap wrench.  It is somewhat closer in style to your Apco.
  I don't actually know for sure if my Warnock is assembled correctly, but it works great as is.
Title: Re: APCO Strap Wrench
Post by: lptools on January 14, 2025, 08:26:28 PM
Hey , Al . The Warnock and the Ridgid work on the same principle , a solid head that works as the fulcrum , although the Warnock that you show has the extra piece that pivots . The APCO that I posted also has the piece that pivots , but the big difference is the APCO has a slot in the head for the strap , where the other 2 do not.