Tool Talk

Woodworking Forum => Woodworking Forum => Topic started by: lptools on February 15, 2020, 05:36:14 PM

Title: End Nippers
Post by: lptools on February 15, 2020, 05:36:14 PM
Hello,Here are my go to End Nippers. (around here they are referred to as Bull Nose End Nippers). At top right is an Irwin High Leverage, Made in Germany, for hard wire (I use this to cut suspended grid hanger wire) . The 2 red ones and the blue handles are Channellock, and the black grips are Craftsman. On the right are Jeweler's End Nippers, these are great for delicate work, the offset jaws get into tight spots, sometimes used to remove that pesky nail that someone used to repair a plane tote. Most of the time I use all of these for pulling nails out of the back of trim work. When forced to remove a stubborn nail from the face, I usually put a wood shim, or a laminate scrap, between the the tool and the piece of trim to protect the wood. All of these will cut a nail, sometimes only halfway, and then the rest can be snapped off. I have had good luck cutting up to 16 penny nails when doing framing demolition, with the largest Channellock size shown. I try not to cut any nails with the Jeweler's Nippers, I use them to work the nail free, and if I need to cut it, I go to a side cutter with hardened cutting edges.Regards, Lou
Title: Re: End Nippers
Post by: Jim C. on May 31, 2020, 05:29:29 PM
Hey Lou,

I missed this post.  You have a nice collection.  I primarily use end nippers for pulling nails.  They’re one of my favorite plier types.

Jim C.
Title: Re: End Nippers
Post by: geneg on May 31, 2020, 06:52:04 PM
I have a Craftsman pair probably 12" or so long that my Dad bought in the late 60's early 70's.  Almost look like farriers trimmers, but the cutting edges are even instead of offset.  Grey paint- no vinyl grips.  I'll go get them for a photo in the morning.  They've pulled more nails and cut more fence wire than any others I own.  No chips or defects in the edges either.  I use a little Bernard pair to  pull nails thru the backside of trim.
Title: Re: End Nippers
Post by: lptools on May 31, 2020, 07:01:11 PM
Hello, Jim. Thanks for your input!!  Geneg, I am looking forward to seeing what you have! Regards, Lou