Tool Talk

Wrench Forum => Wrench Forum => Topic started by: bird on October 24, 2011, 11:22:37 PM

Title: Bonney
Post by: bird on October 24, 2011, 11:22:37 PM
OK, since I can't seem to rely on my computer, I'm hoping that my latest list of Bonney numbers will be safe and retrievable from here.
no 7,  8,  27,  27, 27, 27, 29, 402, 403, 404, 406, 426,  500, 500, 502, 503, 504,  552, 553, 554,   725, 735,  1027,  1027c,  1033.  1033c,  1041,   1161,  1167,  1168,     1240,   1722,  1723,  1723a,  1725b,  1725b,  1727,  1733,  1735,  2612,  9649.....
OK, hopefully that records safe now!!!!!
cheers, bird
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Papaw on October 24, 2011, 11:30:59 PM
Do you have a backup of all the files on your computer?
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: bird on October 24, 2011, 11:34:41 PM
I don't have a backup.... last time I did that, I spent a bunch of money and lost everything anyways! My Norton 360 tells me to have back up... but wants a bunch of money for me to back up my computer...... what should I do?
cheers, bird
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Papaw on October 25, 2011, 12:21:54 AM
A cheap way to do it is to have an external hard drive and periodically back up everything on it, and keep it separate from your computer.
Your pictures on Photobucket are safe, but any kept on your computer could be lost in a hard drive failure.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: 1930 on October 25, 2011, 09:42:26 AM
Quote.........My Norton 360 tells me to have back up... but wants a bunch of money for me to back up my computer...... what should I do?
.............Get rid of Norton to begin with, virus protection is what is giving you problems
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: amertrac on October 25, 2011, 11:10:59 AM
.............Get rid of Norton to begin with, virus protection is what is giving you problems

a  men to that
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: bonneyman on October 25, 2011, 02:43:47 PM
I'm a total idiot when it comes to computers, but I back up to disc. Do you have a CD burner on your computer?  Pop in a blank disc, and burn a backup.
I use customer software with alot of info, and I burn a backup disc once a month. Worse comes to worse, the computer crashes, I reload the last disc, and only have to data entry a month's worth (at most) of info. When I burn a new disc, the last once gets cut up and disposed of.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Ken W. on October 25, 2011, 04:39:43 PM
I had so many viruses when I had Norton.When it expired my PC puked and when I took it in they said I had hundreds of viruses. I'll never do Norton again.
Title: ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????????????????
Post by: bird on October 26, 2011, 01:05:40 AM
I thought norton 360 was supposed to be the "prime cut" of computer defenses.  So, am I supposed to ditch norton 360 and buy something else??  I curse the day I had contact with a computer, but, love the day I met you folks..... hmmmm, that's quite a conundrum.    But, what should I be doing?  Do any of you have some computer knowledge where you can just take my computer over and change it?     ...... verizon says they can do it... hasn't worked out so well yet.
cheers, bird
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Neals on October 26, 2011, 01:59:42 AM
I had Norton a few years ago. Had computer problems, slow, done weird things etc. Switched to AVG (its free) it found 2 old viruses that Norton let in. No virus problems since that I am aware of. There are other free anti virus out there. Probably better than what I use. I am sure someone will post reviews on some.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: 1930 on October 26, 2011, 05:07:21 AM
The safest protection is no protection in my opinion, just be carefull where you go on the web I guess but I go wherever I want and rarely have a problem, if I do I have my back-up disks and just restore the system. I have to do this maybe once every two years I guess, just a guess.
I was told that gaming sites are the worst to visit when it comes to viruses, I have no interest in playing video games so I would not know how to go to any gaming sites, they told me gaming sites are worse than porn sites which kinda shocked me.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: skylab on October 26, 2011, 12:18:47 PM
Norton sucks, doesn't detect every virus or threat.   I also found it slowed my pc down alot.   So I removed it.   Still think using internet explorer to surf the web is bad.   Firefox is a better choice.   If you know anyone better with PC's have them install firefox browser for you.   After this I had no more problems.   

If you have any trojans/viruses you may want to change your passwords to email accounts, paypal, etc

USB flash drives are a better choice for backups.  They are small and cheap.   They cannot be erased by magnetic fields like old floppy disk.   Just plug them into your pc and a new drive letter shows up.  Open this new drive up and copy your files there.

good luck!

Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: rusty on October 26, 2011, 06:08:12 PM

>I thought norton 360 was supposed to be the "prime cut" of computer defenses. 

It is probably the most heavily advertised, that isn't quite the same thing ; P

>>Switched to AVG (its free) it found 2 old viruses

AVG works quite well, it is getting a bit piggish and bloated lately, but for a free virus scanner, it is really quite good, and better in fact thast some of the commercial stuff out there.

>verizon says they can do it

What, the same guys that came out 5 times to fix a freaking telephone line and finally declared, "just use the phone upstairs", that was their solution to having morons who couldn't diagnose a fault on an indoors piece of wire twenty feet long...LOL

>USB flash drives are a better choice for backups.

They are *dirt* cheap considering how big they have gotten lately, and for most folks they will easily hold all the important things on the computer. Sadly the backup software solutions that could make this easy and painless are missing :(  (or priced above what the average person considers reasonable)

>gaming sites are worse than porn sites

Yes, they are, but for the same reasons, people going there are focused on one thing, they are expressing greed (free stuff!) and suddenly stop using common sense, so the sites make attractive targets for folks putting out virus's/malware etc...

>The safest protection is no protection in my opinion
I can't say I would recommend that unless you are awfully computer savvy, the average computer user doesn't have a chance in heck of reinstalling windows from scratch on an infected machine these days :(
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: bird on October 27, 2011, 01:39:00 AM
Damn, I'm going to have to stop the "porn sites"!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HAHA.... I wish you folks lived next door so you could tell me what to do with this foreign object, called a computer.  As for games, I didn't grow up knowing that there was such a thing as a TV..... and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to games, too.  I'm betting I'm a lot younger then most of you.... "ole' wrench folks."   Yep, I'm banking on being the spring chicken, and you folks being the old roosters (or hens)!!!
        Now that I've gotten that out of my system.....  A kind fellow on here offered places to go that were  free to fix my computer..... I'm concerned, ... is that what I should do?   (No offense to the kind gentlemen that offered his advice...)
     I attempted to talk to someone from my internet service today... verizon DSL.....  unfortunately, I couldn't understand what the person "on the other end of the phone" was saying.  I asked her where she was from.  She told me she lived in India, but would like to visit the United States. ..... she seemed like a really nice person, but, I couldn't understand what she was saying.  I mean no harm or "racist connotations" by telling you folks this, but I had to ask her if she had anyone that I might "understand"  better (linguistically) that I could talk to. 
       I'm not sure she understood that request. I told her to have a good evening and thanked her for her help. I'm notoriously awful when it comes to understanding different dialects, accents, or..... if I want to get technical.. pigeon language. ... I had to mention that... I did live in Charleston for a good long while.
    Anyhow, I've moved back within an hour of Charlottesville, va.  ..  Apparently, the "in thing" to do is to go to New York, learn about fashion, make a bunch of money , and then come back here.  The same thing happens to me, I don't understand what persons are saying to me. I was born deaf in my right ear, so , maybe that's part of the problem.  But, as you all know, I'm used to being in the country, at my home, and having little, if anything, to do with the rest of the world.
    So, back to the point......  I couldn't understand much of anything when I called the technical support about that annoying blue circle that may indicate that the computer " is thinking...."   I spend all day thinking.... but, isn't a computer supposed to be a "super genius?"  Why am I waiting around for this hunk of junk to catch up to me????"
     All the same, without this computer, I wouldn't have contact with any of you. So, I guess that's something!
cheers, bird

The safest protection is no protection in my opinion, just be carefull where you go on the web I guess but I go wherever I want and rarely have a problem, if I do I have my back-up disks and just restore the system. I have to do this maybe once every two years I guess, just a guess.
I was told that gaming sites are the worst to visit when it comes to viruses, I have no interest in playing video games so I would not know how to go to any gaming sites, they told me gaming sites are worse than porn sites which kinda shocked me.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: 1930 on October 27, 2011, 05:27:24 AM
I know enough about comp. at this point to fill a thumbnail but my guess would be that maybe your comp is outdated, the memory I mean but then I seem to remember you saying your dad bought you a new one recently so maybe its not out-dated.
Might be you have to much stuff saved on your comp that is taking up too much memory and that is why is takes so long to think. Ever consider that. The more pictures and crap you have saved on it the slower it will be.
On another topic I think you should post some pictures of the furniture you build because I bet alot of people would be surprised with how capable you are with that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: rusty on October 27, 2011, 06:02:33 AM

>I spend all day thinking.... but, isn't a computer supposed to be a "super genius?"  Why am I >waiting around for this hunk of junk to catch up to me????"

Computers are really really fast, but, they are also really really stupid, so it more or less cancels out - P
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: kxxr on October 27, 2011, 07:27:22 AM
is your computer mac or windows? If windows, hold down 'ctrl' and 'alt' keys and press 'delete' to open a box that can show you what applications and processes are active at the time of the problem. If mac, I think the keys are 'options' 'command' and 'esc'.
Try that and see if you can find any clues there.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: bird on October 27, 2011, 07:35:14 PM
is your computer mac or windows? If windows, hold down 'ctrl' and 'alt' keys and press 'delete' to open a box that can show you what applications and processes are active at the time of the problem. If mac, I think the keys are 'options' 'command' and 'esc'.
Try that and see if you can find any clues there.

OK!!!!!!   I think I , well, really you, may have solved the problem. I have windows.  I pushed the control, alt, and delete buttons. One of the programs that was running...... I think was "Java Update."  I stopped the program from running.... I think. And, it seems to have solved the problem..... although, am crossing my fingers..... thanks for everyones help. 
cheers, bird
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Branson on October 27, 2011, 07:58:12 PM
I wanna see pictures of your work, Bird!  1930 is right.  Pictures please.

On computers, not that I'm any kind of expert (I ask the kids for advice), I'm running on Linux at
the moment, compliments to a computer geek friend.  It's pretty impervious to viruses and all that
nonsense, and uses free ware -- Open Office and that sort of soft ware.  I've already survived
bugs that hit people running Microsoft and Mac.
Title: Re: Bonney
Post by: Wrenchmensch on October 29, 2011, 11:31:43 AM

I used AVAST for day-to-day protection, and MALWARE as a backup.  Both are effective and free.