Tool Talk
What's-It Forum => What's-It Forum => Topic started by: Nathan Bryant on April 05, 2015, 02:37:48 PM
My uncle found this old tool and no one seems to know what it is or what it was used for.. So here I am looking for answers. Thanks to anyone who might know! ( (
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Looks like a bunion stretcher to me. (
I had the same thought as Papaw.
the handle on the ring has notches to lock it in with pressure.
what is the diameter of the ring ?
it looks like the ball & ring is made up of one piece to give it a spring action to open when
the slide lock is moved towards the chain.
how much does it weigh ? about 1 pound ?
The diameter of the circle is about 3/4 of an inch, slightly smaller than a beer bottle cap. If you click on the image it will take you to my photo bucket where I have a few more pictures, the bunion stretcher seems to look similar, although this is only about 4" long (not counting the chain)
It looks too short and not built heavy enough for a bunion stretcher. You used a bunion stretcher down inside the shoe quite a ways.
If you google bunion stretcher you'll find lots of pictures.
Is that writing under the clip on the rod with the ball?
I enlarged the photo and it may say PAT and something else maybe.
Unless they are scratches.
is it bronze,maybe something to do with sailing
Bar towel holder. Clamp the corner of a hand towel sized towel in the clamp and the chain is attached to the bar so the bar keep can keep his hands dry. Not that I have ever seen one in person.
Les posted his suggestion while I was composing this one -- I like his, but throw this one in to the hopper anyway. My guess -- place heavy cloth -- like tarpaulin - between the ball & loop & slide the ring up. You've now got a firm grasp of the cloth without having to put in a permanent grommet. The "nicks" in the wire would keep the ring from sliding back.
"Boy's Life" years ago had illustrations of tying onto the "middle" of a sheet of canvas by bunching the canvas over a stone, and tying your rope around the neck of the resulting knob. This ball & loop gadget could achieve the same by putting a fold in canvas, and clamping on the edge of the fold.
Now with a better idea of the size, bunion stretcher doesn't fit. Tarp holder sounds good, though.
Thank you Papaw for the warm welcome to the forum and all who have chimed in. I hope everyone had a nice Easter, I was able to talk with my uncle who found this near the location of an old latrine, or bathroom, so a towel holder of some sort seems fitting. My apologies for not originally including the dimensions I know better, anyhow more details, the lettering on the side reads: Patent Applied For. I was unsure if this marking was for the the piece itself or originally on the sort of spring it was made from. When the clip is slid down from the notches the ball comes out of the loop about a 1/4 inch. Enough to slide a hand towel or whatever in, then secure it by sliding that loop back down catching in the notches. Seems like a fitting answer, from end to end with the chain it measures 13".
Wheres Rusty when you need him?
Wheres Rusty when you need him?
Yah where is rusty? I haven't seen him around in quite some time.
Wheres Rusty when you need him?
Yah where is rusty? I haven't seen him around in quite some time.
Rusty has disappeared. No response to PM, email, or contacts on other sites.
Wheres Rusty when you need him?
Yah where is rusty? I haven't seen him around in quite some time.
Rusty has disappeared. No response to PM, email, or contacts on other sites.
Yeah; I don't like that at all. I've been quite concerned for months now, but don't know where to begin...
If anyone knows his real name, please PM me and I'll have a search.