Tool Talk

Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools => Classic Auto and Motorcycle Tools => Topic started by: Fatboy on May 07, 2011, 11:00:44 PM

Title: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: Fatboy on May 07, 2011, 11:00:44 PM
I have always liked ignition wrench kits, even though when I worked on point type distributor I never used them. I lucked up today, one of the original wrenches is missing and has been replaced long ago. Also has a extra carburetor float gauge and the tiniest adjustable auto/bicycle wrench a 'verjoux baby' made in France and also an 'acme'.
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: RLT on May 07, 2011, 11:23:29 PM
Very  nice set. I've always liked them as well. However I used them a lot on distributors.
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: 1930 on May 08, 2011, 06:35:17 PM
Thats a nice set, I cant seem to have any luck making them larger but still very nice, how old is the set would you say?
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: Fatboy on May 08, 2011, 09:35:47 PM
I'm not having as good a luck posting pics on the new forum, I'll try again later. But as tool age I'm guessing 20's or 30's at the latest.
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: Fatboy on May 08, 2011, 10:28:14 PM
a try at larger pics
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: Fatboy on May 08, 2011, 10:51:40 PM
The Acme & Carb tool
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: 1930 on May 09, 2011, 05:36:50 AM
Those worked for me, what material is the bag, seems pretty flexible, is that right, no liner in inside??? I like the little acme as well, cant make out what the front flap says?
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: Fatboy on May 09, 2011, 12:14:13 PM
Looks like oilskin canvas, the flap says "Bonney Wrenches". I found these on ebay:
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: lauver on May 12, 2011, 10:35:28 PM

At $5, you done real good. An the tool roll appears to be in good condition (a rarity). I have a similar bonney set and I think I gave $30 for it. I think I may have a 1947 catalog page or magazine ad with your set in it.  Let me see if I can

1) find it and,

2) post it for your enjoyment.

Does anybody know if you can post a PDF image?
Title: Re: My $5 Bonney ignition wrench flea market find
Post by: lzenglish on May 12, 2011, 10:47:14 PM
Great Find, at a Cheaper than Dirt Price! It is nice to find a full set of anything, let alone Ignition Wrenches!
