Tool Talk
What's-It Forum => What's-It Forum => Topic started by: rustcollector on January 09, 2014, 07:19:57 PM
You guys are all better than me at these type tools. I was really intrigued by it and since it was in a group with a really good wrench I had to have it (at least temporarily).
I haven't started my own research yet, figured I'd post here and see if you all could save me time.
main interest is what it actually is, what it was used for and what company made it.
Thanks for all past help and for helping with this one.
I could be wrong but some of reminds me of a tool for tire weights.
I could be wrong but some of reminds me of a tool for tire weights.
Good thought, but not really a hammer on them for putting a weight back on. I was thinking about tire chains, but they don't really fit the typical tool for that either.
I am thinking automotive upholstery pliers. One side for stretching and pulling, and the other for closing the rings.
It's a household tool. Combination skillet and pot lifter. I have one but can't find the ad or patent I used to ID.
It's a household tool. Combination skillet and pot lifter. I have one but can't find the ad or patent I used to ID.
Thank Bus. I'll do some digging tonight when I get home from work. Never would have thought along those lines until you say it, then I can see it looking at it. Has to be pretty old I would think. Around 1900?
It's a household tool. Combination skillet and pot lifter. I have one but can't find the ad or patent I used to ID.
Thank Bus. I'll do some digging tonight when I get home from work. Never would have thought along those lines until you say it, then I can see it looking at it. Has to be pretty old I would think. Around 1900?
I would think it's at least that old. The flat jaws grab a skillet edge and the curved jaws hold the wire bail on pots.
I have 2 others.
L. H. Goff Patent 319,226 Patented June 2, 1885
J. W. Ross Patent 241,822 Patented May 24, 1881
And a wonderfull ice cream scoop :)
Some nice tools in this thread. Unfortunately I don't have any patent info or dates on yours rustcollector
Looks like I was wrong on the tire weight tool.
I never even thought of some sort of household multi tool. It does make much sense now that you guys point it out. I learn something new everyday.
Thread revival:
Rustcollector was kind enough to sell me his B.B. plier thing pictured above. (Thanks again Dan!) Then a few months ago, Bus had one listed in the Fall MVWC auction. I'm still trying to figure out why I felt I needed a second one? The two are identical:
Then it got interesting. I spotted yet ANOTHER one on the website. It was already sold. But the picture was still up, and this one was marked L.O.B. Co.
Does anyone know more about who or where the L.O.B. Company was??
I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this tool. There is another one listed as item #693 in this Spring's MVWC auction. Bus says that it is marked L.D.B. CO. PHILA. (which is a correction of the LOB initials I reported in my previous post)
Also interesting, I found this picture Stan posted in the June 2011 MVWC newsletter. It shows an old advertisement listing the tool as the E.T. Hanger Tongs, which I assume is short for Eaves Trough Hanger Tongs. Not sure what functions it was supposed to perform though..?
it sounds like L. D. Berger Co. 52 No. 2nd St. Philadelphia, Pa was a Merchant selling various goods.
he was also listed as selling stove pipe.
around 1919 he was putting out a news paper once in a while called "The Sketch" and sent it to
tinners, roofers, sheet metal workers and others connected to the trades.
what it sounds like to me is he supplied material to the trades, and those pliers being used to install
eaves trough wire hangers, would fit into those trades.
just my 2 cents on this subject. have a good day.
it sounds like L. D. Berger.....
Ah-ha!! So that would be the LDB initials on the tool in the auction! And I see that at about the same time there was a Berger Bros. Co., 237 Arch St, Philadelphia. That might be the BB initials cast on the tools I have? Man it finally feels like we might be getting somewhere on this thing....
Yay, found it! In a 1925 copy of the L.D. Berger Company Roofing Supplies catalog:
Thanks Frank and Bus and Stan! :wink:
Good research work Plyerman. I saw the Newsletter ad but like they say "the legs are the first to go and I can't remember the second".
I changed the description on the web catalog bu the printed ones have already been mailed.
Great job figuring all this out. Since I first posted this, I must have seen about 10 pairs of these type tools at various sales and such. Never picked any other ones up though.