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Anvil Shaped Object

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If you can lay your hands on some fork lift tines, they will work as a beginner anvil.  Cut the thickest parts into pieces about 14"-16" long, stack up about four or five pieces, bevel the gaps all around the edges and make deep pen welds.  You can also mod a hay bale fork and weld it to one end for a horn.  Our blacksmith group has a member who makes these and sells them for about $150 apiece.  He uses one with his portable forge at our demos.

john k:
2 more places that I would check, large towing company, one in business for years.  Probably got a welding table with lots of scrap bits.  The other place would be a private dirt moving contractor, one with big bulldozers, scrapers and such.   Oh, are there any small welding/repair shops around you?   These would be my first look sees.

Mike H:
shortfuse-thanks for input,
fork lift tines are something that I hadn't even considered as
possible source for material

JohnK- likewise, appreciate input
we have one large towing outfit just a bit west of us,
will investigate

The ASO is a little further along
got some holes drilled in the bottom
to tie it down to a base, either log chunk
or laminated lumber. I put in a call to the
tree guy that comes out and trims the oak trees we have
to see if he has some log sections I could use as a barrier to
keep people from doing U-turns in my front yard. Might give him
another call to see if he has one piece that would work w/ the ASO.


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