Author Topic: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?  (Read 4952 times)

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hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:51:56 PM »
i hope everyone is doing well.  i've missed all of  you folks!!
   so, at the moment,i have to ask for a favor...... is anyone familiar with large lacerations?    my hatchet and i got into a fight...... which i lost.  i'm typing with my right hand, hence the lack of capital letters.    anyhow, i should find a way to stop this stupid cut from bleeding.  i'm pretty sure i can put two or three stitches in my hand by myself.  but, if anyone has an opinion whether to use thread or fishing line, please let me know.... sooner rather than later.
cheers, bird
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Offline J.A.F.E.

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Re: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 11:04:48 PM »
I am so sorry to hear this. I have no real advise other than use lots of Neosporin or equivalent. Some time back a large piece of glass fell on my wrist on the arm side of the joint. It was quite deep and ran all the way across. I did not go to the hospital for stitches I used little strips of medical tape across the gash and a gauze bandage with some pressure. Still it took about three days to completely stop bleeding. Normally I don't scar but this one did scar although not too badly considering and it seems to be shrinking with time. In retrospect I should have gotten proper stitches and not taken the chance.

I hope this heals well and quickly for you.
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Offline 64longstep/Brian

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Re: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 11:31:05 PM »
I would use fishing line for it is easer to keep clean than thread. Like J.A.F.E. use lots of Neosporin or equivalent and change the bandage twice a day… Good luck and hope you heal fast…
If all else fails use a bigger hammer…
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Offline Wrenchmensch

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Re: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 04:06:18 PM »
Elevation and compression. Let me explain. Elevate the injury above the level of the heart. Wrap the injury tightly with a pamper. Much easier to go to an emergency room and get the staff to a) wash out the wound with antiseptic to combat sepsis onset; b) suture the wound  possibly internal sutures followed by external sutures depending on how deep the wound is; c) bind the wound with proper bandaging; d)administer tetanus booster, e) monitor the healing process within 48 hours to ensure no infection is present.

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Re: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 05:21:22 PM »
Bird, tell us how your injury is doing. It has been two weeks or so, and I  know you haven't died yet, you were posting here today!
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Offline bird

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Re: hmmmm does anyone have a medical background?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 12:26:34 AM »
Bird, tell us how your injury is doing. It has been two weeks or so, and I  know you haven't died yet, you were posting here today!

Hi papaw.... nope, I'm not dead yet! It will take more than a hatchet to "take me down!"  surgery went ok... they had to make a few more incisions than previously planned upon.  ... guess one end of the tendon had managed to retract further back into my arm, so the doc had to go fishing for the other end of the tendon. I guess the surgery lasted a little longer than planned, but, what do you expect?... after all, it is me you're talking about!!!! I have a strong faith and belief in Murphy's law!!!!!!!!!
      The same doc that did my surgery on this hand performed surgery on my right hand a few years back. (yes, it's the ever-running count of hand surgeries... I'm on number 5).  Before surgery, they right a "yes" on the hand they are supposed to operate on, and a "no" on the other hand. ... it had me a little bit nervous. I said, "Doc, you know, the surgery is on my left hand this time, not the right one! ... please don't get confused!"
       My folks drove me to the hospital for the surgery. By far, the most dramatic part of the day occurred while I was sitting with them in the "waiting room/ area."  I had no time to be concerned about the surgery I was about to have.  Mom whipped out her calendar and said she and dad would have to move into my house with me for a few days. I thought they were joking..... only to realize I was the only person "laughing."  They weren't kidding. They're having their kitchen remodeled, and all of the downstairs floors (heart pine!) sanded down and refinished. So, they have to be out of the house for a week.
             The good news is that, at that point, the fact that someone was about to cut into my arm in order to fish for  the ends of severed tendons and attempt to sew them back together was the least of my worries. For some reason, the trauma of having my parents move in with me for two days trumped any concern I had regarding someone butterflying my arm open  in order to sew it back together!!
    Don't know if you've had many operations/ surgeries before. But, generally,  you talk to the finance person, sign your life away, go back into a pre-op room where you change and then start an IV. At this point, most persons have whomever came with them come back to keep them company while they await the actual surgery.  Anyhow, don't know if that made much sense. But, when the kind nurse asked me, "Do you want me to tell your parents to 'come on back'," I said, "NO!!"  The answer came out quite quickly and with a level of intensity I did not expect my voice to have!!
      The anesthesiologist talked to me and asked if I needed him to give me something to sedate me before i was actually put to sleep. Of course, I said no--- this whole surgery thing is not new to me!. I thought to myself, "this might be the last moment of peace that I have for a long while."
      Now, I realize I sound like I don't love my parents. That is not true. They, and the rest of my family are more important to me than anything in this world. But, there's a reason I moved "back home" with an hour buffer between my folks and I!!!!! I don't really tolerate much of anyone in my house except for Bean (my dog). I don't travel any further then within a two mile radius of my house.
    For once in my life, I've landed myself in an area that is perfect for me.  I'm HAPPY here... going on 7 years now. But, my happiness is largely due to the privacy I have.  I work from home, I don't have a boss, and I don't have a schedule.  I've primarily eliminated some problems in my life by having absolutely no schedule. I don't have a watch or clock. I don't care what day, month, or year it is.
        However, if I am "pinned down" to a schedule, let's say-- house guests-- it throws my whole life into chaos!!!
 So, I can't do much of anything right now. I've been taking time to catch up on reading all the various posts.  I just bought a BUNCH of wrenches.  I'm trying to sort them out/ clean them up, ect.  I'm sure I'll have many questions to ask you soon. until then,
Silent bidder extraordinaire!
"Aunt birdie, I think you're the best loser ever!!!!!!"