Author Topic: Hilary Klein Wrenches  (Read 2951 times)

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Offline Lewill2

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Hilary Klein Wrenches
« on: October 18, 2011, 04:34:54 PM »
As some of you know by my pictures that I have posted I collect Hilary Klein made wrenches. Those of you that don't know Hilary Klein is from Iowa. During the winter months he would go in his workshop and produce miniature copies of adjustable wrenches. All of his miniatures are about 4 3/4 inches long. Most have wooden handles and all are works of art to a wrench collector. In 2005 Stan Schulz wrote an extra to the MVWC Newsletter. The extra was a 14 page article that listed 64 known wrenches with patent information that Hilary had produced at that time. I have started to compile an updated list. If any of the guys and gals here have or know someone that has Hilary Klein wrenches please have them contact me so I can complete my list with color pictures of each wrench. Currently I have 75 different wrenches on the list that were made. I have pictures of 36 of the wrenches so far. Due to Hilary's age (90+) and health he has stopped making the miniature wrenches. I have already contacted the follow individuals for help in completing the list.
Don Ervin
Martin Donnelly
Jim Bode
Dick Lawton
Allan Foster
Stan Schulz

You can send me a PM here or reply to this post with info. I can respond with those pictures still needed.
